
Feb 01, 2020

Jan 01, 2020

Wall Calendar 2020: January

Hamnøy, Lofoten, Norway. 2019
Hamnøy, Lofoten, Norway. 2019

Not only is this the same motive as the cover photo of the Lonely Planet Norway, it was also our home for a few days on our trip to Lofoten in early 2019, so we had plenty of time to take nice pictures.

Jan 01, 2020

Wall Calendar 2020

Torc Waterfall, Killarney National Park
Torc Waterfall, Killarney National Park

Brand new: The dirko.net wall calendar. Every month will feature a new picture from the archives. Let me know before November if you want to have a printed copy of next year's calendar.

We'll start with 2020's cover photo: The Torc Waterfall in Killarney National Park, Ireland.

Sep 19, 2016


Zürichsee Panorama
Zürichsee Panorama

Während ich in Zürich war, fand dort auch die Biennale Manifesta statt. Teil dieser Ausstellung war unter anderem das schwimmende Kino Pavillon of Reflections, von dem aus dieses Panorama entstand.

The hackathon was not the only event taking place in Zurich while I was there. There was also Manifesta, a Biennale of contemporary art. One of the pieces of art was Pavillon of Reflections, a floating wooden cinema in Lake Zurich. This panorama was taken from the upper level of the pavillon.

Sep 18, 2016


Zürich as seen from ETH
Zürich as seen from ETH

Mein erster Hackathon fand dieses Wochenende in Zürich statt: HackZurich! Wir haben zwar nichts gewonnen, hatten aber trotzdem viel Spaß.

I went to my first Hackathon this weekend: HackZurich! We didn't win anything, but it was still a lot of fun.

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