
Aug 24, 2010

Building Luminance 2.0 on Mac OS X

A post without a picture, but with (at least for me) helpful information: How to build Luminance 2.0.0, the successor to qtpfsgui, on Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. This post is only useful for you if you know what a Terminal is.

Additionally, you need to have the Apple Developer Tools installed.

Please be aware that this is more of a "works for me" post so I'm not sure if I can help you if anything goes wrong.

It might be easier to install some of the dependencies via MacPorts, but because Luminance itself is currently not available there and for consistency throughout the howto, I chose to install everything from the original source.

What you need


Unpack all downloaded source code to a folder, say ~/luminance and cd to that directory:

Heart-of-Snow:luminance dirko$ ls

exiv2-0.20          fftw-3.2.2      gsl-1.14    ilmbase-1.0.2   jpeg-8b
luminance-hdr_2.0.0 openexr-1.7.0   tiff-3.9.4

For exiv2, gsl, jpeg and libtiff, cd into their directory and execute ./configure, make and make install.

For OpenEXR and ilmbase, first delete the line

CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -Wno-long-double"

from the respective configure files, then execute ./configure, make and make install.

For fftw, use ./configure --enable-threads --enable-float, make and
make install.


Running qmake now would create an XCode project. As we're currently so used to the Terminal, we will use qmake -spec macx-g++ instead. This creates a makefile, so the next step would be make — if the code would only be GCC compatible. As it's not, we need to replace all #elifdef prepocessor directives with the appropriate GCC code:

#elifdef Q_WS_WIN

from src/Threads/LoadHdrThread.cpp line 103 should be

#elif defined(Q_WS_WIN)

Similar corrections need to be done for:

  • src/Threads/HdrInputLoader.cpp line 112
  • src/Threads/HdrInputLoader.cpp line 142

This should also be easy to do with some find and sed magic, but this is left as an exercise to the reader (comments welcome).

A final make should now create the luminance.app for you which you can copy to wherever you want, e.g. your /Applications folder.

Creating this howto by trial and error took me a whole afternoon — to save some time on the next install of Luminance on another Mac or to help you :) Now I'll check what's new in Luminance 2.0 and how much I can afford to donate to the author. Expect some tonemapped HDR images here soon.


This is basically just a compilation of things I found via Google. Here's a (probably incomplete) list of sources used: